ud_inp_dscenario_conduit - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Defines conduit arc properties in the selected alternative.
Column name | Data type | Description | Domain values |
dscenario_id | integer | Id of demand scenario, defined on cat_dscenario | |
arc_id | character varying(50) | Id of arc | |
arccat_id | character varying(30) | Id of arccatalog, defined on cat_arc | |
matcat_id | character varying(30) | Id of material, used in case when material is not specified on arc catalog, defined on cat_mat_node | |
custom_n | numeric(12,4) | Customized manning coefficient (this value overwrites manning’s value defined for material) | |
barrels | smallint | Number of barrels associated with a conduit | |
culvert | character varying(10) | Code number for the conduit’s inlet geometry if it is a culvert subject to possible inlet flow control | |
kentry | numeric(12,4) | Entrance minor head loss coefficient | |
kexit | numeric(12,4) | Exit minor head loss coefficient | |
kavg | numeric(12,4) | Average minor head loss coefficient across length of conduit | |
flap | character varying(3) | YES if conduit has a flap valve that prevents back flow, NO otherwise. | [YES, NO] |
q0 | numeric(12,4) | Flow in conduit at start of simulation | |
qmax | numeric(12,4) | Maximum flow allowed in the conduit | |
seepage | numeric(12,4) | Seepage losses for conduits | |
elev1 | numeric(12, 3) | Elevation 1 - Elevation of the pipe exit from initial node | |
elev2 | numeric(12, 3) | Elevation 2 - Elevation of the pipe enter into final node |