ud_inp_divider - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Identifies each flow divider node of the drainage system. Flow dividers are junctions with exactly two outflow conduits.


Column name Data type Description Domain values
node_id character varying(50) Id of node
divider_type character varying(18) Type of divider, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_typevalue_divider [CUTOFF, OVERFLOW, TABULAR, WEIR
arc_id character varying(50) Id of arc
curve_id character varying(16) Id of curve, defined on inp_curve
qmin numeric(16,6) Flow at which diversion begins, for cutoff or weir divider
ht numeric(12,4) Height of weir divider
cd numeric(12,4) Discharge coefficient for weir divider
y0 numeric(12,4) Water depth at start of simulation
ysur numeric(12,4) Maximum additional head above ground elevation that node can sustain under surcharge conditions
apond numeric(12,4) Area subjected to surface ponding once water depth exceeds Ymax