ud_inp_conduit - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Identifies each conduit arc of the drainage system.


Column name Data type Description Domain values
arc_id character varying(50) Id of arc
barrels smallint Number of barrels associated with a conduit
culvert character varying(10) Code number for the conduit’s inlet geometry if it is a culvert subject to possible inlet flow control
kentry numeric(12,4) Entrance minor head loss coefficient
kexit numeric(12,4) Exit minor head loss coefficient
kavg numeric(12,4) Average minor head loss coefficient across length of conduit
flap character varying(3) YES if conduit has a flap valve that prevents back flow, NO otherwise. [YES, NO]
q0 numeric(12,4) Flow in conduit at start of simulation
qmax numeric(12,4) Maximum flow allowed in the conduit
seepage numeric(12,4) Seepage losses for conduits
custom_n numeric(12,4) Customized manning coefficient (this value overwrites manning’s value defined for material)