ud_cat_connec - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Catalog of connecs, which defines its basic characteristics.
Column name | Data type | Description | Example |
id | character varying(30) | Id of connec definition | CON-CC030_D |
matcat_id | character varying(16) | Id of material defined on cat_mat_connec | CC |
shape | character varying(16) | Shape of connec | CIRCULAR |
geom1 | numeric(12,4) | Internal vertical dimension of the element, expressed in meters. In case of circular connecs- value of the interior diameter. | |
geom2 | numeric(12,4) | Internal horizontal dimension of the element, expressed in meters | |
geom3 | numeric(12,4) | Internal dimension of the element, expressed in meters | |
geom4 | numeric(12,4) | Internal dimension of the element, expressed in meters | |
geom_r | character varying(20) | ||
descript | character varying(255) | Description | FC conduit |
link | character varying(512) | Link | c:\\users\users\catalog.pdf |
brand | character varying(30) | Brand defined on cat_brand | |
model | character varying(30) | Model defined on cat_brand_model | |
svg | character varying(50) | Svg visualized on QGIS | fc110_pn10.svg |
cost_ut | character varying(16) | Cost of unit, related with price defined on plan_price | N_WATER-CONNECT |
cost_ml | character varying(16) | Cost of linear meter, related with price defined on plan_price | A_CC30 |
cost_m3 | character varying(16) | Cost of m3, related with price defined on plan_price | S_EXC |
active | boolean | If true, catalog value is being used | TRUE |
label | character varying(255) | Label visualized on QGIS | |
connec_type | text | Connec type related to the catalog value, defined on cat_feature and cat_feature_connec | CONNEC |