sys_param_user - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Catalog of system parameters, which may be set by user.
Classification of variables:
Column name | Data type | Description | Example | Domain values |
id | text | Name of the parameter | basic_search_exploitation_vdefaut |
formname | text | Name of form on which parameter appears | config |
[config, dynamic, epaoptions, hidden] |
descript | text | Description | Selected exploitation will be the one in which the features will be searched |
sys_role | character varying(30) | Role for which parameter is available, defined on sys_role | role_basic |
idval | text | Parameter tag, related to formname epaoptions | ACCURACY |
label | text | Parameter name showed to user on configuration form | Search exploitation: |
dv_querytext | text | Query that fills in combobox and typeahead widgets in the form | SELECT expl_id AS id , name as idval FROM exploitation WHERE expl_id IS NOT NULL |
dv_parent_id | text | Parent field, set in case when values depend one on another | exploitation_vdefault |
isenabled | boolean | If true, parameter is enabled on a form | TRUE |
layoutorder | integer | Widget order on a form | 1 |
project_type | character varying | Project in which function is being used | utils |
[ws, ud, utils] |
isparent | boolean | If true, widget is a parent of another widget | FALSE |
dv_querytext_filterc | text | Additional filter for combobox query | AND expl_id= |
feature_field_id | text | Field name to which parameter is related | expl_id |
feature_dv_parent_value | text | Value of a field, to which parameter is related | VALVE |
isautoupdate | boolean | If true, field is automatically updated, without necessity of saving data | FALSE |
datatype | character varying(30) | Data type of parameter | string |
[boolean, date, float, integer, json, string] |
widgettype | character varying(30) | Type of widget displayed on form | combo |
[check, combo, datetime, linetext, spinbox, text] |
ismandatory | boolean | If true, field is mandatory and must have a value | FALSE |
widgetcontrols | json | Control of widgets | {"enableWhenParent":"[3]"} |
vdefault | text | Default value of parameter | 2.00 |
layoutname | text | Name of layout in config form | lyt_basic |
[lyt_addfields, lyt_arc_vdef, lyt_basic, lyt_category_type, lyt_connec_vdef, lyt_date_1, lyt_date_2, lyt_edit, lyt_fluid_type, lyt_function_type, lyt_general_1, lyt_general_2, lyt_hydraulics_1, lyt_hydraulics_2, lyt_inventory, lyt_location_type, lyt_mapzones, lyt_masterplan, lyt_node_vdef, lyt_om,lyt_other, lyt_reports_1, lyt_reports_2, lyt_review, lyt_utils_vdef] |
iseditable | boolean | If true, value is editable | TRUE |
dv_orderby_id | boolean | If true, data will be ordered by id | TRUE |
dv_isnullvalue | boolean | If true, empty value is allowed | TRUE |
stylesheet | json | Json type field that allows graphical customization of the label | {"label":"color:red; font-weight:bold"} |
placeholder | text | Placeholder with data format | 24 |
source | text | Parameter source | giswater |
[giswater] |