sys_function - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


System catalog of functions, with its parameters and permission definition.


Column name Data type Description Example Domain values
id integer Id 1104
function_name text Function name gw_trg_arc_orphannode_delete
project_type text Project in which function is being used utils [ws, ud, utils]
function_type text Function type trigger function [function, trigger function]
input_params text Input parameters json
return_type text Type of return json
descript text Description Check topology assistant. To review how many arcs do not have start or end nodes
sys_role text Role permissions that allows execution of a function, defined on sys_role role_edit
sample_query text Sample query used to execute function {"WS":{"client":{"device":4, "infoType":1, "lang":"ES"}, "feature":{"id":["node_id"]},"data":{}}, "UD":{"client":{"device":4, "infoType":1, "lang":"ES"}, "feature":{"id":["node_id"]},"data":{}}}
source text Function source giswater [giswater]