sys_foreignkey - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


System catalog of dynamic foreign keys created using trigger gw_trg_typevalue_fk.


Column name Data type Description Example Domain values
typevalue_table character varying(50) Name of a typevalue table, table source of values config_typevalue [config_typevalue, edit_typevalue, inp_typevalue, om_typevalue, plan_typevalue]
typevalue_name character varying(50) Name of a typevalue definition, field source of values datatype_typevalue
target_table character varying(50) Name of the table on which foreign key is creates, table target of values config_form_fields
target_field character varying(50) Name of the field on which foreign key is creates, field target of values datatype
parameter_id integer If foreign key is related to an addfield it's necessery to insert it's id, related to sys_addfields 36
active boolean If true, catalog value is being used TRUE