sector - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Catalog and configuration of sectors, which are related to the correct functioning of the hydraulic model and therefore they must be consistent with the water inlets and outlets of it.

Fields for WS Projects:

Column name Data type Description Example
sector_id serial Id
name character varying(50) Name of the sector sector1
macrosector_id integer Id of zone group, defined on macrosector 1
descript text Description
undelete boolean If true, zone can't be deleted TRUE
the_geom geometry(MultiPolygon,SRID) Multi polygon geometry of zone
sector_type character varying(16) Type of sector, defined on edit_typevalue as sector_type distribution
graphconfig json Definition of a zone header (nodeParent) and a direction of a flow(toArc). Necessary in order to perform dynamic zonification process {"use":[{"nodeParent":"10280", "toArc":[2092]}], "ignore":[]}
stylesheet json Definition of a style applied on a qgis layer after executing dynamic zonification process {"color":[251,181,174], "featureColor":"251,181,174"}
active boolean If true, zone is being used on the system TRUE
parent_id integer Id of parent

Fields for UD Projects:

Column name Data type Description Example
sector_id serial Id
name character varying(50) Name of the sector sector1
macrosector_id integer Id of zone group, defined on macrosector 1
descript text Description
undelete boolean If true, zone can't be deleted TRUE
the_geom geometry(MultiPolygon,SRID) Multi polygon geometry of zone
active boolean If true, zone is being used on the system TRUE
parent_id integer Id of parent
pattern_id varchar(20) Id of pattern