plan_reh_result_node - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Table result and budget of rehabilitation planification of a node.
Column name | Data type | Description |
result_id | integer | Id of the result, defined on plan_result_cat |
node_id | character varying(16) | Id of node |
node_type | character varying(18) | Type of node |
nodecat_id | character varying(30) | Id of node catalog |
sector_id | integer | Id of a hydraulic sector |
state | smallint | Main state of element |
expl_id | integer | Id of an exploitation |
parameter_id | character varying(30) | Repair that needs to be performed to correct the pathology |
work_id | character varying(30) | Id of a work associated |
pcompost_id | character varying(16) | Price of node, defined on plan_price |
cost | double precision | Price of the element |
ymax | double precision | Element depth at which the work is conducted |
measurement | double precision | Reparation measures |
budget | double precision | Advance calculation of the work cost. |
the_geom | geometry(Point,SRID) | Point geometry of element |