plan_reh_result_arc - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Table result and budget of rehabilitation planification of an arc.


Column name Data type Description
result_id integer Id of the result, defined on plan_result_cat
arc_id character varying(16) Id of arc
node_1 character varying(16) Id of arc's initial node
node_2 character varying(16) Id of arc's final node
arc_type character varying(18) Type of arc
arccat_id character varying(30) Id of arc catalog
sector_id integer Id of a hydraulic sector
state smallint Main state of element
expl_id integer Id of an exploitation
parameter_id character varying(30) Repair that needs to be performed to correct the pathology
work_id character varying(30) Id of a work associated
init_condition double precision Circumferential location (Start measured clockwise)
end_condition double precision Circumferential location (End measured clockwise)
loc_condition text Pathology location
pcompost_id character varying(16) Price of arc, defined on plan_price
cost double precision Sum of all costs associated with the arc for each unit of measurement
ymax double precision Pipe depth at which the work is conducted
length double precision Length of arc
measurement double precision Reparation measures
budget double precision Total price of the arc. Multiply the arc_cost by its length
the_geom geometry(LineString,SRID) Line geometry of element