plan_rec_result_node - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Table result of reconstruction planification of a node.


Column name Data type Description
result_id integer Id of the result, defined on plan_result_cat
node_id character varying(16) Id of node
node_type character varying(18) Type of node
nodecat_id character varying(30) Id of node catalog
top_elev numeric(12,3) Top elevation at which the element is located
elev numeric(12,3) Bottom elevation of the element
epa_type character varying(16) Node type related to EPA classification
sector_id integer Id of a hydraulic sector
state smallint Main state of element
annotation character varying(254) Description
the_geom geometry(Point,SRID) Point geometry of element
cost_unit character varying(3) Measurement units
descript text Description
measurement numeric(12,2) Unit of measure of the element. Depending on whether cost is expressed in ut, ml or m³, this field may be expressed in units, length or volume
cost numeric(12,3) Price of the element
budget numeric(12,2) Advance calculation of the work cost.
expl_id integer Id of an exploitation
builtcost double precision Final cost of the investment
builtdate timestamp without time zone Date of construction
age double precision Age of the element
acoeff double precision Amortization coefficient
aperiod text Amortization period
arate double precision Amortization rate
amortized double precision Decrease of element value over time
pending double precision Amortized pendig