plan_rec_result_arc - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Table result and budget of reconstruction planification of an arc.


Column name Data type Description
result_id integer Id of the result, defined on plan_result_cat
arc_id character varying(16) Id of arc
node_1 character varying(16) Id of arc's initial node
node_2 character varying(16) Id of arc's final node
arc_type character varying(18) Type of arc
arccat_id character varying(30) Id of arc catalog
epa_type character varying(16) Arctype related to EPA classification,
sector_id integer Id of a hydraulic sector
state smallint Main state of element
annotation character varying(254) Description
soilcat_id character varying(30) Id of soil
y1 numeric(12,2) Depth of the pipe exit from initial node
y2 numeric(12,2) Depth of the pipe enter into final node
mean_y numeric(12,2) Mean depth
z1 numeric(12,2) Depth between node 1 and the bottom of the arc.
z2 numeric(12,2) Depth between node 2 and the bottom of the arc.
thickness numeric(12,2) Thickness of the pavement
width numeric(12,2) Total width. Width + bulk*2 (m)
b numeric(12,2) Distance between conduit and trench boundary
bulk numeric(12,2) Thickness of the conduit’s wall (UD (m) WS (mm))
geom1 numeric(12,2) Interior vertical dimension of the element
area numeric(12,2) Arc area (m2)
y_param numeric(12,2) Ditch slope
total_y numeric(12,2) Total depth
rec_y numeric(12,2) Coverage
geom1_ext numeric(12,2) Exterior vertical dimension of the element
calculed_y numeric(12,2) Calculated depth
m3mlexc numeric(12,2) Amount of excavation in m3
m2mltrenchl numeric(12,2) Amount of intivation m2
m2mlbottom numeric(12,2) Amount of soil background in m2
m2mlpav numeric(12,2) Amount of pavement in m2
m3mlprotec numeric(12,2) Amount of protection in m2
m3mlfill numeric(12,2) Amount of filling in m3
m3mlexcess numeric(12,2) Amount of surplus to be transported in m3
m3exc_cost numeric(12,2) Cost of excavation for each m3
m2trenchl_cost numeric(12,2) Cost of intivation for each m2
m2bottom_cost numeric(12,2) Cost of soil for each m2
m2pav_cost numeric(12,2) Cost of pavement for each m2
m3protec_cost numeric(12,2) Cost of protection for each m2
m3fill_cost numeric(12,2) Cost of filling for each m3
m3excess_cost numeric(12,2) Cost of transportation of surpluses for each m3
cost_unit character varying(16) Measurement units
pav_cost numeric(12,2) Pavement cost for the corresponding arc
exc_cost numeric(12,2) Excavation cost for the corresponding arc
trenchl_cost numeric(12,2) Intivation cost for the corresponding arc
base_cost numeric(12,2) Base cost for the corresponding arc
protec_cost numeric(12,2) Protection cost for the corresponding arc
fill_cost numeric(12,2) Filling cost for the corresponding arc
excess_cost numeric(12,2) Transportation of surpluses cost for the corresponding arc
arc_cost numeric(12,2) Cost of the arc for each unit of measure
cost numeric(12,2) Sum of all costs associated with the arc for each unit of measurement
length numeric(12,3) Length of arc
budget numeric(12,2) Total price of the arc. Multiply the arc_cost by its length
other_budget numeric(12,2) Other associated costs
total_budget numeric(12,2) Sum of budget and other budget
the_geom geometry(LineString,SRID) Line geometry of element
expl_id integer Id of an exploitation
builtcost double precision Final cost of the investment
builtdate timestamp without time zone Date of construction
age double precision Age of an arc
acoeff double precision Amortization coefficient
aperiod text Amortization period
arate double precision Amortization rate
amortized double precision Decrease of element value over time
pending double precision Amortized pendig