om_mincut - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Main table of mincut with all the basic information about the process.


Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id
work_order character varying(50) Work order related to the breakdown E938/01/2020
mincut_state smallint State of the process, defined on om_typevalue as mincut_state 2
mincut_class smallint Class of the implemented process, defined on om_typevalue as mincut_class 1
mincut_type character varying(30) Type of the implemented process, defined on om_mincut_cat_type Real
received_date date Date and time of receiving the information 2020-02-08
expl_id integer Exploitation in which mincut is located, defined on exploitation 1
macroexpl_id integer Macroexploitation in which mincut is located, defined on macroexploitation and related to expl_id value 1
muni_id integer Municipality in which mincut is located, defined on ext_municipality 1
postcode character varying(16) Postcode of mincut's location
streetaxis_id character varying(250) Street in which mincut is located, defined on ext_streetaxis 1-10110C
postnumber character varying(16) Post number of the mincut's location 21
anl_cause character varying(30) Initial cause, defined on om_typevalue as mincut_cause 1
anl_tstamp timestamp without time zone Date and time of analysis
anl_user character varying(30) User that made an analysis
anl_descript text Initial description of a breakdown
anl_feature_id character varying(16) Id of a feature on which analysis is initiated 2021
anl_feature_type character varying(16) Type of feature on which analysis is initiated
anl_the_geom geometry(Point,SRID) Point geometry of the projected location of a breakdown
forecast_start timestamp without time zone Projected start date and time of reparation
forecast_end timestamp without time zone Projected end date and time of reparation
assigned_to character varying(50) Name of user to whom the breakdown is assigned
exec_start timestamp without time zone Execution start date and time
exec_end timestamp without time zone Execution end date and time
exec_user character varying(30) Execution user
exec_descript text Execution description
exec_the_geom geometry(Point,SRID) Point geometry of the exact location of breakdown
exec_from_plot double precision Distance from the plot
exec_depth double precision Depth of the breakdown
exec_appropiate boolean If true, the actual cut location matches the mincut scheduled information
notified json Column to work with notificacions
output json Output information {"minsector_id":"2020", "arcs":{"number":"3", "length":"211.38", "volume":"2.01"}, "connecs":{"number":"11", "hydrometers":{"total":"39", "classified":[{"category":"business","number":"2"}, {"category":"Domestic","number":"8"}, {"category":"Industry","number":"9"}, {"category":"Other","number":"11"}, {"category":"Shops","number":"9"}]}}}
modification_date date Date of modification
chlorine character varying(30) Shows if the water where the cutting is done has chlorine or what concentration of chlorine it has.
turbidity character varying(30) Establishes whether the water where the cut is made is turbid or not.