man_pump - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Inventory table, that stores id and specific data of features with system id PUMP.


Column name Data type Description
node_id character varying(16) Id of node
max_flow numeric(12,4) Maximum flow of pump
min_flow numeric(12,4) Minimum flow of pump
nom_flow numeric(12,4) Nominal flow of pump
power numeric(12,4) Pump power
pressure numeric(12,4) Pump pressure
elev_height numeric(12,4) Elevation difference in the installation
name character varying(50) Name of the installation
pump_number integer Number of pumps in the installation
brand text Brand defined on cat_brand,used in case when brand is not specified on node catalog
model text Model defined on cat_brand_model, used in case when model is not specified on node catalog