inp_netgully - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Identifies each gully of the drainage system, that is topologicaly considered a part of the network.
Column name | Data type | Description | Example |
node_id | character varying(16) | Node id | |
y0 | numeric(12,4) | Water depth at start of simulation | |
ysur | numeric(12,4) | Maximum additional head above ground elevation that manhole junction can sustain under surcharge conditions | |
apond | numeric(12,4) | Area subjected to surface ponding once water depth exceeds | |
outlet_type | varchar(30) | Type of outlet, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_typevalue_outlet_ | [FUNCTIONAL/DEPTH, FUNCTIONAL/HEAD, TABULAR/DEPTH, TABULAR/HEAD] |
custom_width | double precision | Customized width | |
custom_length | double precision | Customized length | |
custom_depth | double precision | Customized depth | |
method | varchar(30) | Method of calculation for gully used on IBER. There are two options: W/O and UPC METHOD. Weir and orifice method uses weir_cd and orifice_cd and UPC method uses a_param and b_param values. For more information for UPC METHOD: | |
weir_cd | double precision | Weir discharge coeficiend used on gully when W/O method is used | |
orifice_cd | double precision | Orifice discharge coeficiend used on gully when W/O method is used | |
custom_a_param | double precision | Custom A parameter used on gully when UPC method is used wich and A parameter is defined on catalog of grates | |
custom_b_param | double precision | Custom B parameter used on gully when UPC method is used wich and B parameter is defined on catalog of grates | |
efficiency | double precision | Gully efficiency when runoff control |