inp_dscenario_tank - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Defines the dscenario tanks nodes properties in the selected consumption demand alternative.


Column name Data type Description
dscenario_id integer Id of demand scenario, defined on cat_dscenario
node_id character varying(16) Id of node
initlevel numeric(12,4) Height of the water level at the beginning of simulation
minlevel numeric(12,4) Minimum height of the water surface from the bottom that must be kept
maxlevel numeric(12,4) Maximum height of the water surface from the bottom that must be kept
diameter numeric(12,4) Inlet diameter
minvol numeric(12,4) Minimum volume of water in the inlet
curve_id character varying(16) Id of curve, defined on inp_curve
overflow varchar(3) Indicates if water overflows the tank