inp_dscenario_storage - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Identifies each subcatchment within the study area. Subcatchments are land area units which generate runoff from rainfall.


Column name Data type Description Domain values
dscenario_id int4 Id of dscenario
node_id varchar(50) Id of node
elev numeric(12, 3) Elevation at which the element is located
ymax numeric(12, 3) Depth of the element
storage_type varchar(18) Type of storage, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_typevalue_storage FUNCTIONAL, TABULAR
curve_id varchar(16) Id of the curve
a1 numeric(12, 4) Coefficient of FUNCTIONAL relation between surface area and depth
a2 numeric(12, 4) Exponent of FUNCTIONAL relation between surface area and depth
a0 numeric(12, 4) Constant of FUNCTIONAL relation between surface area and depth
fevap numeric(12, 4) Fraction of potential evaporation from surface realized
sh numeric(12, 4) Soil capillary suction head
hc numeric(12, 4) Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity
imd numeric(12, 4) Initial soil moisture deficit
y0 numeric(12, 4) Water depth at the start of the simulation
ysur numeric(12, 4) Maximum additional head above ground elevation that node can sustain under surcharge conditions
apond numeric(12, 4) Surface area subjected to ponding once water depth exceeds ymax