inp_dscenario_flwreg_orifice - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Identifies each orifice of the drainage system, which acts as flow regulator.


Column name Data type Description Domain values
dscenario_id int4 Id of dscenario
nodarc_id varchar(20) Id of nodarc
ori_type varchar(18) Type of orifice, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_typevalue_orifice [BOTTOM, SIDE]
offsetval numeric(12, 4) Amount that a Side Orifice’s bottom or the position of a Bottom Orifice is offset above the invert of inlet node
cd numeric(12, 4) Discharge coefficient
orate numeric(12, 4) Time in decimal hours to open a fully closed orifice
flap varchar(3) YES if flap gate present to prevent reverse flow, NO if not [YES, NO]
shape character varying(18) Shape of orifice, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_value_orifice [CIRCULAR, RECT-CLOSED]
geom1 numeric(12, 4) Geometry of orifice
geom2 numeric(12, 4) Geometry of orifice
geom3 numeric(12, 4) Geometry of orifice
geom4 numeric(12, 4) Geometry of orifice
close_time int4 The time it takes to open a closed (or close an open) gated orifice in decimal hours