hydrometer data - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Definition of the relation between dma, period and pattern.

Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id 1
dma_id character varying (16) Id of the dma dma1
cat_period_id character varying (100) Id of a period, defined on table ext_cat_period
effc double precision
minc double precision
maxc double precision
pattern_id character varying (16) Id of a pattern, defined on table inp_pattern pattern_01
pattern_volume double precision
avg_press numeric Average pressure


Definition of the hydrometers.

Column name Data type Description Example
id character varying(16) Id of hydrometer
code text Code of hydrometer from the CRM
hydrometer_category text deprecated field
customer_name text Name of the customer
address text Direction of the customer
house_number text House number
id_number text ID number of the customer
cat_hydrometer_id text deprecated field
start_date date Turn on date
hydro_number text Serial number of a hydrometer
identif text Additional field for hydrometer identification
state_id smallint State of the hydrometer, defined on table ext_rtc_hydrometer_state
expl_id integer Exploitation id, defined on table exploitation
connec_id character varying(30) Relation between hydrometer and field customer_code from the table connec
hydrometer_customer_code character varying(30) Code from the CRM progrram
plot_code integer Code of the building
priority_id integer Id of hydrometer's priority, defined on ext_cat_hydrometer_priority
catalog_id integer Id of hydrometer's catalog, defined on ext_cat_hydrometer
category_id integer Id of hydrometer's category, defined on ext_hydrometer_category
crm_number integer Additional customer number from CRM program
muni_id integer Id of the municipality, defined on table ext_municipality
address1 text Direction of the customer
address2 text Direction of the customer
address3 text Direction of the customer
address2_1 text Second direction of the customer
address2_2 text Second direction of the customer
address2_3 text Second direction of the customer
m3_volume double precision Consumption of water
hydro_man_date date Hydrometer manufacturing date
end_date date Turn off date
update_date date Actualization date
shutdown_date date Shut down date because of lack of payments


Definition of the hydrometers.

Column name Data type Description Example
id bigint Id
hydrometer_id character varying(16) Id of the hydrometer, defined on table ext_rtc_hydrometer
min double precision Minimum water cunsumption
max double precision Maximum water cunsumption
avg double precision Average water cunsumption
sum double precision Sum of the water cunsumption
custom_sum double precision Custom value of sum of the water cunsumption
cat_period_id character varying(16) Id of a period, defined on table ext_cat_period
value_date date Date of data collection
pattern_id character varying(16) Id of a pattern, defined on table inp_pattern
value_type integer Type of the collected data, defined on table crm_typevalue as crm_value_type estimated, real
value_status integer Status of the collected data, defined on table crm_typevalue as crm_value_status linked, deleted
value_state integer State of the collected data, defined on table crm_typevalue as crm_value_state confirmed, completed