gw_fct_graphanalytics_minsector - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


"Dynamic analisys to sectorize network using the flow traceability function. Before work with this funcion it is mandatory to configurate field graph_delimiter on node_type and field graphconfig on [dma, sector, cat_presszone and dqa] tables. A standard value for PIPE BUFFER maybe: 5-30 (mts)"

Input example

SELECT gw_fct_graphanalytics_minsector('{
"client":{"device":4, "infoType":1, "lang":"ES"}, 
"form":{}, "feature":{}, 
"data":{"parameters":{"exploitation":"[1]", "MaxMinsectors":500, "checkData": false, "usePsectors":"TRUE", 
"updateFeature":"TRUE", "updateMinsectorGeom":2 ,"geomParamUpdate":10}}}');

Output example

  "status": "Accepted",
  "message": {
    "level": 1,
    "text": "Mapzones dynamic analysis done succesfully"
  "version": "3.5.002",
  "body": {
    "form": {},
    "data": {
      "info": {
        "geometryType": "",
        "values": [
            "id": 2785,
            "id": 2786,
            "message": "---------------------------------------------------"
            "id": 2787,
            "message": "INFO: Plan psector strategy is enabled. The number of psectors used on this analysis is 0"
            "id": 2788,
            "message": "WARNING: Minsector attribute (minsector_id) on arc/node/connec features have been updated by this process"
      "setVisibleLayers": [
      "point": {
        "geometryType": "Point",
        "features": {}
      "line": {
        "geometryType": "LineString",
        "features": {}
      "polygon": {
        "geometryType": "Polygon",
        "features": {}