gw_fct_getvisitmanager - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Get dialog and list of all mincuts on network

Input example

SELECT gw_fct_getvisitmanager($${
"client":{"device":4,"infoType":1,"lang":"es", "cur_user":"test_user"},
"data":{"relatedFeature":{"type":"arc", "idName":"arc_id", "id":"2074"},"fields":{},"pageInfo":null}}$$)

Common input parameters: (client, form, feature)

Specific input parameters: (data)
We always work with names as much autodocumented as possible. If you feel some else please request it to [email protected].

Common output parameters: (status, message, version)

Specific output parameters: (body)
We always work with names as much autodocumented as possible. If you feel some else please request it to [email protected].

Output example

  "status": "Accepted",
  "message": {},
  "version": {
    "value": "3.4.034"
  "body": {
    "feature": {
      "featureType": "visit",
      "tableName": "v_visit_lot_user",
      "idName": "user_id",
      "id": "geoadmin"
    "form": {
      "formId": "F11",
      "formName": "VISIT MANAGER - GEOADMIN",
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      "layerManager": {}
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️