gw_fct_getselectors - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Get selector dialog and values for current user
SELECT gw_fct_getselectors($${
"client":{"device":4, "infoType":1, "lang":"ES", "cur_user":"test_user"},
"form":{"currentTab":"tab_exploitation"}, "feature":{},
"data":{"filterFields":{}, "pageInfo":{}, "selectorType":"selector_basic" ,"filterText":"1"}}$$);
Common input parameters: (client
, form
, feature
Specific input parameters: (data
We always work with names as much autodocumented as possible. If you feel some else please request it to [email protected].
Common output parameters: (status
, message
, version
Specific output parameters: (body
We always work with names as much autodocumented as possible. If you feel some else please request it to [email protected].
"status": "Accepted",
"version": {
"value": "3.4.019"
"body": {
"message": {
"level": 1,
"text": "Process done successfully"
"form": {
"formName": "",
"formLabel": "",
"currentTab": "tab_exploitation",
"formText": "",
"formTabs": [
"fields": [
"expl_id": 1,
"label": "1 - expl_01",
"widgetname": "1",
"columnname": "expl_id",
"type": "check",
"dataType": "boolean",
"value": true
"tabName": "tab_exploitation",
"tableName": "selector_expl",
"tabLabel": "Expl",
"tooltip": "Active exploitation",
"selectorType": "selector_basic",
"manageAll": "true",
"typeaheadFilter": " AND lower(concat(expl_id, ' - ', name))",
"selectionMode": "keepPreviousUsingShift"
"feature": {},
"layermanager": {},
"data": {}