gw_fct_getlist - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Function that returns the information about the listed data the appear on the info form as a table.

Input example

SELECT gw_fct_getlist($${
"client":{"device":4, "infoType":1, "lang":"ES", "cur_user":"test_user"},
"feature":{"tableName":"v_ui_arc_x_relations", "idName":"rid"},
"pageInfo":{"orderBy":"arc_id", "orderType":"DESC", "currentPage":3}}}$$)

Common input parameters: (client, form, feature)

Specific input parameters: (data)
We always work with names as much autodocumented as possible. If you feel some else please request it to [email protected].

Common output parameters: (status, message, version)

Specific output parameters: (body)
We always work with names as much autodocumented as possible. If you feel some else please request it to [email protected].

Output example

  "status": "Accepted",
  "message": {
    "level": 3,
    "text": "Process done successfully"
  "version": {
    "value": "3.5.003"
  "body": {
    "form": {},
    "feature": {
      "featureType": "",
      "tableName": "v_ui_arc_x_relations",
      "idName": "rid"
    "data": {
      "fields": [
          "label": "Filter by catalog",
          "columnname": "catalog",
          "column_id": "catalog",
          "widgetname": "data_catalog",
          "widgettype": "combo",
          "widgetfunction": null,
          "widgetaction": null,
          "updateaction": null,
          "changeaction": null,
          "hidden": false,
          "widgetdim": 150,
          "datatype": "string",
          "tooltip": null,
          "placeholder": null,
          "iseditable": true,
          "orderby": 1,
          "layoutname": "lyt_data_1",
          "layoutorder": 1,
          "isparent": false,
          "ismandatory": false,
          "linkedaction": null,
          "isautoupdate": false,
          "stylesheet": null,
          "widgetcontrols": null,
          "comboIds": [
            "AIR VALVE DN50",
          "comboNames": [
            "AIR VALVE DN50",
          "selectedId": "2009"
          "label": "Filter by feature code",
          "columnname": "feature_code",
          "column_id": "feature_code",
          "widgetname": "data_feature_code",
          "widgettype": "typeahead",
          "widgetfunction": null,
          "widgetaction": null,
          "updateaction": null,
          "changeaction": null,
          "hidden": false,
          "widgetdim": 150,
          "datatype": "string",
          "tooltip": null,
          "placeholder": null,
          "iseditable": true,
          "orderby": 2,
          "layoutname": "lyt_data_1",
          "layoutorder": 2,
          "parentId": null,
          "isparent": false,
          "ismandatory": false,
          "linkedaction": null,
          "queryText": "SELECT DISTINCT feature_code AS id, feature_code AS idval FROM v_ui_arc_x_relations WHERE rid IS NOT NULL",
          "queryTextFilter": null,
          "isautoupdate": false,
          "orderById": null,
          "isNullValue": true,
          "stylesheet": null,
          "widgetcontrols": null
          "widgettype": "list",
          "datatype": "icon",
          "columnname": "fileList",
          "orderby": 5,
          "position": "body",
          "value": null
      "pageInfo": {
        "orderBy": "arc_id",
        "orderType": "DESC",
        "currentPage": 3,
        "lastPage": 1
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