ext_plot - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Catalog of building plots.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | character varying(16) | Id |
plot_code | character varying(30) | Internal code of plot |
muni_id | integer | Id of municipality in which plot is located, defined on ext_municipality |
postcode | character varying(16) | Postcode of element's location |
streetaxis_id | character varying(16) | Id of street on which plot is located, defined on ext_municipality |
postnumber | character varying(16) | Post number of the plot's location, defined on ext_address |
complement | character varying(16) | Additional number of the plot's location |
placement | character varying(16) | Place where building is located |
square | character varying(16) | Neighborhood or area where building is located |
observ | text | Description |
text | text | Description |
the_geom | geometry(MultiPolygon,SRID) | Multi polygon geometry of element |
expl_id | integer | Id of an exploitation, defined on exploitation |