ext_plot - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Catalog of building plots.


Column name Data type Description
id character varying(16) Id
plot_code character varying(30) Internal code of plot
muni_id integer Id of municipality in which plot is located, defined on ext_municipality
postcode character varying(16) Postcode of element's location
streetaxis_id character varying(16) Id of street on which plot is located, defined on ext_municipality
postnumber character varying(16) Post number of the plot's location, defined on ext_address
complement character varying(16) Additional number of the plot's location
placement character varying(16) Place where building is located
square character varying(16) Neighborhood or area where building is located
observ text Description
text text Description
the_geom geometry(MultiPolygon,SRID) Multi polygon geometry of element
expl_id integer Id of an exploitation, defined on exploitation