epa ud patterns - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
The Time Pattern Editor is invoked whenever a new Time Pattern object is created or an existing time pattern is selected for editing.
The editor contains the following data entry fields:
Name: Enter the name assigned to the time pattern.
Type: Select the type of time pattern being specified.
Description: You can provide an optional comment or description for the time pattern.If more than one line is needed, click the EditBtn button to launch a multi-line comment editor.
Multipliers: Enter a value for each multiplier. The number and meaning of the multipliers changes with the type of time pattern selected:
MONTHLY: One multiplier for each month of the year
DAILY: One multiplier for each day of the week
HOURLY: One multiplier for each hour from 12 midnight to 11 PM
WEEKEND: One multiplier for each hour from 12 midnight to 11 PM for weekend days