dqa - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Catalog table of dqa - water quality zone. Only available on WS project.
Column name | Data type | Description | Example |
dqa_id | serial | Id | |
name | character varying(30) | Name of the zone | |
expl_id | integer | Id of an exploitation, defined on exploitation | 1 |
macrodqa_id | integer | Id of zone group, defined on macrodqa | 1 |
descript | text | Description | |
undelete | boolean | If true, zone can't be deleted | |
the_geom | geometry(MultiPolygon,SRID) | Multi polygon geometry of zone | |
pattern_id | character varying(16) | Consumption pattern applied on the zone, defined on inp_pattern | |
dqa_type | character varying(16) | Type of dqa, defined on edit_typevalue as dqa_type | chlorine |
link | text | Link | |
graphconfig | json | Definition of a zone header (nodeParent) and a direction of a flow(toArc). Necessary in order to perform dynamic zonification process | {"use":[{"nodeParent":"10280", "toArc":[2092]}], "ignore":[]} |
stylesheet | json | Definition of a style applied on a qgis layer after executing dynamic zonification process | {"color":[251,181,174], "featureColor":"251,181,174"} |
active | boolean | If true, zone is being used on the system | TRUE |