config_toolbox - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Configuration of functions and it's forms, which are executed from plugin toolbox button. More detailed description of how to configurate toolbox may be found on section Register and configure new PLpgSQL function.
Column name | Data type | Description | Example | Domain values |
id | integer | Id of a function, defined on sys_function | 2102 |
alias | text | Name of a function displayed on toolbox | Check arcs without node start/end |
functionparams | json | Allows to show on toolbox form thelist of layers related to the defined feature_type. | {"featureType":["arc"]} |
[featureType ["arc", "node", "connec", "gully"] |
inputparams | json | List of widgets not related to the layer, which need to be set by user | [{"widgetname":"arcSearchNodes", "label":"Start/end points buffer", "widgettype":"text", "datatype":"float", "layoutname":"grl_option_parameters", "layoutorder":1, "value":"0.5"}, {"widgetname":"saveOnDatabase", "label":"Save on database:", "widgettype":"check", "datatype":"boolean", "layoutname":"grl_option_parameters", "layoutorder":9, "value":"FALSE"}] |
observ | text | Description | ||
active | boolean | If true, function is showed on toolbox | TRUE |
device | integer[] | Description |