config_info_layer - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


List of layers used by the API.


Column name Data type Description Example Domain values
layer_id text Name of published layer v_edit_arc
is_parent boolean If true, layer has a parent layer TRUE
tableparent_id text Name of a parent layer vp_basic_arc
is_editable boolean If true, layer is editable TRUE
formtemplate text Name of form template, defined on config_typevalue as formtemplate_typevalue info_feature [visit, info_generic, dimensioning, info_feature]
headertext text Header name of form Arc
orderby integer Order of info 2
tableparentepa_id text Epa parent table related to layer vp_epa_node [vp_epa_arc, vp_epa_node]
addparam json Additional parameters