Plan parameters - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki

plan_psector_execute_action - Defines mode of psector trigger. Modes: "disabled", "onService"(transforms all features afected by psector to its planified state and makes a copy of psector), "obsolete"(set all features afected to obsolete but manage their state_type) Default: {"mode":"disabled"}

plan_psector_statetype - Psector statetype assigned to features after executing or canceling planification Default: {"done_planified":"98", "done_ficticious":"97", "canceled_planified":"96", "canceled_ficticious":"95"}

plan_statetype_ficticius - Value used to identify ficticius arcs in case of new creation on planning operations in order to maintain the topology Default: 99

plan_statetype_planned - State type for planned elements Default: 3

plan_statetype_reconstruct - Value used to identify reconstructed arcs in order to manage length of planified network Default: 4