My first arc - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Hereafter a easy-to-start way for you:
USING QGIS (admin button of giswater plugin):
1. Create your DB project schema [Create DB project schema] choosing yours [LANG] and [EPSG]:
Select empty project (without sample data or inp files)
2. Crate your QGIS project file [Create QGIS project file] chossing role_type [basic] and Sample
Be carefull with your password!!!
3.Customize your own cat_feature elements, INSERTING or UPDATING or DELETING rows on cat_feature
table (*):
Current elements are created by default in function of [LANG] choosed, but all of them have the column active
in false.
In order to active someone else to start to work with your project you can INSERT new ones or UPDATE existing ones.
In case of UPDATE, you need to activate it (active=true) and you can modify id
, shortcut_key
, child_layer
and descript
DELETE rows is possible but perhaps SET active = false may be better!!!
INFO: if you modifies child_layer column, view related to it is automatic renamed.
4.Create your own material catalogs:
There are many material catalogs, but in this easy-to-start way you only need:
Populate [Node material catalog] cat_mat_node
table at least with one value filling columns from id
to descript
Populate [Arc material catalog] cat_mat_arc
table at least with one value filling columns from id
to descript
5.Create your own feature catalogs:
There are many catalogs, but in this easy-to-start way you only need:
Populate [Node catalog], cat_node
table at least with one value, filling columns from id
to descript
Populate [Arc catalog], cat_arc
table at least with one value, filling columns from id
to descript
USING QGIS (loading the qgis project file created on step-2):
6. Work with mapzones [INVENTORY][Map zones] group(*)
In this easy-to-start assistant, you must work only with the exploitation layer filling columns expl_id
& name
The rest of mapzones (municipality
, sector
, dma
, presszone
*(ws) or dqa
(ws) may be created later.
7. Insert your first node:
Use giswater plugin add point button and select one of the node feature defined on step-3.
Type Nodecat_id
widget (will appear your values created on step-5)
If you do not see the node on canvas:
Check your filters [selector button] according with the selected state and exploitation.
Check `v_edit_node` qgis layer simbology.
8. Insert your second node:
Repeat step-7.
9. Insert your first arc:
Use giswater plugin add line button and select one of the arc feature's defined on step-3.
Be carefull with topological rules (arc start & end vertex must be attached to nodes, but both do not can be the same).
Type Arccat_id
widget (will appear your values created on step-5)
If you do not see the arc on canvas:
Check your filters [selector button] according with the selected state and exploitation
Check v_edit_arc qgis layer simbology.
(*) See project example for details