Mapzones algorithm - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Mapzone algorithm is a process that can be executed from Giswater toolbox (Master group). It has the following parameters that need to be set:
graphClass – Mandatory. Graph analyisis that will be executed [DMA, SECTOR, DQA, PRESSZONE]. Ex: DMA
exploitation – Mandatory. Exploitations that will participate in the algorithm [All the available exploitations]. Ex:[1,2]
macroExploitation – Not mandatory. Macro-exploitations that will participate in the algorithm [All the available macro-exploitations]. Ex:[1,2]
checkData – Mandatory. If true, the process checks if system data is correct (topology, state_type, etc). In case of errors, it aborts the process [false, true]. Ex:false
updateFeature – Mandatory. If true, the process updates values of dma_id, presszone_id, sector_id & dma_id of all NODES, ARCS, CONNEC that are flooded by the algorithm [false, true]. Ex:true
updateMapZone – Mandatory. [0,1,2,3]. Ex:2
- 0: does not update the geometry field (the_geom) of the mapzone
- 1: Updates the geometry by making an enveloping polygon with all the elements
- 2: Updates the geometry by buffering the sections with the value of geomParamUpdate
- 3: Updates the geometry by buffering the sections with the value of geomParamUpdate and incorporating the plot geometry (if it exists)
geomParamUpdate – Mandatory. Value related to options 2, 3 of the previous key, defines the size of a buffer [Any float between 0.1 – 100]. Ex:10
usePlanPsector – Mandatory. If true, the process uses all psectors of the exploitation in the analysis of the algorithm [false, true]. Ex:false
forceOpen – Mandatory. Defines valves that can be forced to open (e.g. for closed valves that we want to open for whatever reason) [All closed valves]. Ex: [1,2,3]
forceClosed – Mandatory. Defines Nodes in general that can be forced to close (e.g. in the debug phase in case the trace gets out of control and does not converge as expected) [All nodes (except closed valves)]. Ex: [1,2,3]