Document tables - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Document tables consist of a table doc_type with definition of possible document types, table doc, where all the necessary data about documents is stored and relation tables, that saves the id of a document and id of a feature, work or visit with which it is related.

Doc table fields:

Column name Data type Description Example
id character varying(30) Id Raport_0123
doc_type character varying(30) Document type related to the catalog value, defined on doc_type WORK RAPPORT
path character varying(512) Location of a document (link)
observ character varying(512) Description
user_name character varying(50) Name of user that inserted document user1
tstamp timestamp without time zone Date and time of inserting document

Relation tables:

  • doc_x_arc
  • doc_x_connec
  • doc_x_node
  • doc_x_psector
  • doc_x_visit
  • doc_x_workcat