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This plugin lets you download Maastotietokanta (MTK) data from the Finnish National Land Survey and extract it to a GeoPackage file with default styles. The data is downloaded from the NLS Atom feed as zipped GML, written into a new GeoPackage, and then processed. The processing consists of three steps:

  1. Dissolve features using gid field
  2. Clip layers to match geometries user has selected
  3. Write styles table into the GeoPackage and drop temporary processing tables

Users can select the area contained in the resulting GeoPackage by either selecting a Finnish municipality from the list or selecting geometries from the map canvas using the QGIS selection tools. Three types of layers are available: a Finnish municipality layer, UTM grid layers at different scales, and a custom grid provided by Traficom. The licence for these datasets can be found under data/LICENCE.txt.