Authorized Developer Documentation (JavaScript) - Gisgar3/ratzBot GitHub Wiki

This page is meant as a reference for authorized developers of ratzBot.
Discord.JS is used to help develop ratzBot.

File Information and Reference

ratzBot was developed to record information by appending data to specific files (which are excluded from public releases.) This is a list of files excluded and their main purpose:

./exclude/approvedmessage.ratz | Messages that were banned by ratzBot, but have been approved for viewing by administration.

./exclude/bannedmessages.ratz | Messages that were banned by ratzBot for relating to blocked topics.

./exclude/bannedusers.ratz | Users banned from messaging channels.

./exclude/errors.ratz | Errors returned by ratzBot; includes error codes and error types.

./exclude/removedauthmessages.json | Messages that were removed from un-authorized users.

./exclude/users.ratz | Users that have been authorized to message channels.

./exclude/eventuserlist.ratz | Users that have joined an active event.

./exclude/adverts.json | Advertisement data for the advertisement system.

Message Content Structure

ratzBot checks messages in Discord by using if statements. For example:

if (message.content.toString() == "/ratz showcommands") {
    // Do something  

ratzBot will check each chat message and see if it equals /ratz showcommands and if it does, it will run the code given within the statement. Some commands also require user-preference values; for example:

if (message.content.startsWith("/ratz steamuserinfo ") {  
    var result = message.content.slice(20);  
    // Do something  

This will let ratzBot know that it is a command with user-preference values and will then slice out the command itself and leave just the user value (which will later be used within the code execution.)

Welcome and Goodbye Structure

ratzBot welcomes members and says goodbye to members using a specific structure of code. Using the guildMemberAdd and guildMemberRemove events from Discord.JS, we can execute certain pieces of code when someone enters or leaves the server. For example:

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const bot = new Discord.Client();

bot.on("guildMemberAdd", (member) => {
    // Do something when someone enters the server

bot.on("guildMemberRemove", (member) => {
    // Do something when someone leaves the server


ratzBot authenticates with the Discord servers by using a login-token (or client key) given by our authorized application on Discord's website. Logging into their servers requires us to run the bot.login() function provided by the Discord.JS library. For example:

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const bot = new Discord.Client();
var client_key = // A login-token


This block of code will log ratzBot onto Discord's servers by using the login-token that is defined as the client_key variable.

Release Records

Commands labeled DM are only accessible via DM-Channels
Files labeled DEPRECATED are no longer used in newer versions

Command Present Since
/ratz showcommands v2.2.6
/ratz steamuserinfo v2.2.6
/ratz slimedog v2.2.6
/ratz discorduserinfo v2.2.6
/ratz botinfo v2.2.6
/ratz releaseinfo v2.3.0
/ratz play v2.4.0
/ratz stop v2.4.0
/ratz btcinfo v2.5.0
/ratz ratcoininfo v2.5.0
/ratz laststream v2.5.1
/ratz gituserinfo v2.6.0-RC
/ratz gitrepoinfo v2.6.0-RC
/ratz joinactiveevent v2.7.0-RC
/ratz showactiveevent v2.7.0-RC
[DM] /ratz getremovedmessages v3.1.0
/ratz machineinfo v4.0.0-Alpha
File Present Since
approvedmessage.ratz v2.2.6
bannedmessages.ratz v2.2.6
bannedusers.ratz v2.2.6
errors.ratz v2.2.6
users.ratz v2.2.6
[DEPRECATED] removedauthmessages.ratz v2.4.1
eventuserlist.ratz v2.7.0-RC
removedauthmessages.json v3.1.0
adverts.json v3.1.0

Testing Periods

Timestamps for Beta, Alpha, and Release Candidate testing.

Version Starts Ends
v2.6.0-RC 7/16/18 7/17/18
v2.7.0-RC 7/20/18 7/22/18
v3.0.0-Beta 7/22/18 7/25/18
v4.0.0-Alpha 2/1/19 N/A