Pandorica on the Solutions server - GiselleSerate/pandorica GitHub Wiki

New changes

Currently, the active version of Pandorica (the one called by the Jenkins autorun job) can be found at /home/paloalto/pandorica_container/pandorica. It’s on the master branch, but it doesn’t update automatically when new code is pushed to master. You need to go in and pull new changes. If changes are made to the requirements.txt, you will need to reinstall these in the virtual environment from the root of the repository with:

source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

HTML documents

Update documents, if necessary, can be re-retrieved using wget, but are stored in /var/lib/jenkins/versiondocs. (Don’t add any extra version documents to this folder, because Elasticsearch doesn’t know they’re there and won’t try to parse them. Check the troubleshooting section to see how to add skipped versions instead.)