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Welcome to the WebDev wiki!

This wiki contains all the needed information and resources required to successfully complete this course. Students are encouraged to visit this wiki regularly, study the material provided, and try out examples and demos.

Some resources:

Week 0: Foundation of Web Technologies

Students are required to cover all the material contained in this section before the start of the semester. The content of this section are foundational concepts and are necessary for a thorough understanding of the rest of the material.

Item Purpose Link Exercise
1. Understanding how the web works Basic concepts of web applications In 300 words or more, describe with the aid of a diagram, the architecture of the web.
2. Understanding REST APIs REST API Concepts
3. Understanding Version Control using Git Version Control Basics Perform the following tasks off-hand: Clone, Checkout, Pull, Push, Commit, Add
4. Understanding HTML5 HTML5 Cheat Sheet
5. Understanding CSS3 CSS3 Cheat Sheet
6. Understanding how web browsers work Web browser internals

Week 1: Introduction to JavaScript (Part I)

Students will be introduced to JavaScript from the very basic concepts to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations. This introduction assumes prior exposure to other programming languages and familiarity with concepts like OOP and FP. Students are also expected to be comfortable using the terminal for executing tasks like package installation. Students are free to adopt any Integrated Development Environment of their choosing. VS Code and WebStorm are recommended options.

Presentation Slides

Introduction to JavaScript (Part I)

Lab Exercise

JavaScript Fundamentals

Item Topic Link
1. JavaScript Functions Functions
2. Functions Expressions and Arrow Functions Function Expressions and Arrows
3. JavaScript Objects Objects
4. Garbage Collections in JS Garbage Collection
5. JavaScript Object Methods Object methods, "this"
6. Constructor Functions Constructor, Operator "new"
7. Methods of Primitives
8. Arrays
9. Array Methods
10. Iterables
11. Map and Set
12. Object.keys, values, entries
13. Destructuring Assignment
14. Date and Time
15. JavaScript Object Notation
16. Recursion
17. Rest parameters and spread operator
18. Closure
19. Global Object
20. Function Object, NFE
21. The "new" Funciton Syntax
22. Scheduling
23. Function Binding
24. Currying and Partials

Week 2: Introduction to JavaScript (Part II)

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Introduction to JavaScript (Part II)

Lab Exercise

Advanced JavaScript

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties
5. Extending built-in classes Extending classes
6. Class checking: "instanceof" Class checking: "instanceof"
7. Error Handling
8. Custom Errors, Extending errors
9. Introduction to Callback Functions
10. Itroduction to Promises
11. Promises Chaining
12. Error handlig with promises
13. Promise API
14. Promisification
15. Micro Tasks
16. Async/Await
17. Introduction to Modules
18. Exports and Imports
19. Dynamic Imports
20. Document Object Model
21. Introduction to events
22. UI Events
23. Forms and Control
24. Network Requests

Week 3: Getting Started with NodeJS

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with NodeJS

Lab Exercise

NodeJS Fundamentals

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 4: Building web servers (Part I)

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 5: Building web servers (Part II)

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 6: Frontend with HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 7: Frontend development with React (Part I)

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 8: Frontend development with React (Part II)

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 9: Frontend Development with React (Part III)

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 10: Mobile App Development with React Native (Part I)

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 11: Mobile App Development with React Native (Part II)

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 12: Real-time web applications with Web Sockets

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties

Week 13: Revision

Students will continue with more advanced topics in JavaScript ensuring a sound understanding of some of the more confusing concepts of the language.

Presentation Slides

Getting Started with Express

Lab Exercise

Building REST APIs with NodeJS and Express

Item Topic Link
1. Basic Syntax of Classes Class basic syntax
2. Class Inheritance Class Inheritance
3. Static Properties and Methods Static Properties and Methods
4. Private and Protected properties and methods Private and Protected Properties