Troubleshooting Build Problems - GirlsOfSteelRobotics/2015season GitHub Wiki

Fix any Build Path Errors

You might get a warning for each project saying that "the project cannot be built until build path errors are corrected." The specific error, shown further down in the list of errors, is that the "networktables" and "wpilib" classpath variables aren't set.

To correct this problem, create and then delete a temporary project based on the WPIlib templates. That operation will automatically add definitions for the missing classpath variables. See the main setup guide in this Wiki for step-by-step directions.

Here are the manual steps for fixing the same problem. The above referenced solution is much simpler but I still want to keep them around, just in case.

  1. Under the Eclipse or Windows menu, choose Preferences...
  2. Open Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables
  3. Click the New button
  4. Enter "networktables" as the name
  5. Click Folder... and navigate to this directory under your home directory: wpilib/java/current/lib
  6. Click the New button
  7. Enter "wpilib" as the name
  8. Click Folder... and navigate to the same directory as above
  9. Click OK to close the dialog
  10. Eclipse will offer to rebuild all the projects with the new settings in place. Let it do so.

Move this to a procedural document:

  1. When you complete a set of changes and want to share them with the team:
  2. Switch to the Git perspective in the upper right of the Eclipse window
  3. Click on the Git Staging tab
  4. Drag the files that are related to your change from Unstaged to Staged area
  5. Enter a meaningful description in the Commit Message area
  6. Use "Commit and Push" to commit the changes locally and also send them up to GitHub