Features roadmap - Girgitt/maxcube GitHub Wiki



  • re-factoring to make it easier to work with the MaxCube object.
  • there are no meta/configuration update methods - only re-instantiating from parsed response from the cube
  • device objects don't store current configuration data (the 'C' part of the parsed data returned by network.read_raw_Data)
  • device objects don't store current status data (the 'L' part of the parsed data returned by network.read_raw_Data)
  • there should be either a proxy class taking care of initializing and updating MaxCube object with data retrieved from the network module (and responsible for sending commands - this requires locks or synchronized queues) or MaxCube should have a reference to connector object (such connector should keep a single connection to the max cube due to possible memory leaks / instability of the firmware as mentioned here).
  • python 2.7 support (fixed on 1/18/15)
  • base64.decodebytes() is unsupported. You basically just have to replace decoded = BytesIO(base64.decodebytes(encoded)) with decoded = BytesIO(encoded.decode('base64', 'strict')) in parsing.py but this should be done in a more elegant way.