ICP_8 - Girees737/KDM_Projects GitHub Wiki


Name: Gireesh Kumar Muppalla


  1. To take Three Text Abstract online (news articles, blogs, etc)

  2. Perform triplet extraction on the Abstracts by using python and have Triplets ready for ontology <S,P,O>.

  3. To create the ontologies from the triplet using Protégé tool and:
    • List the unique Predicates.
    • List the unique Subjects.
    • List the unique Objects.

  4. To display your ontologies using VOWL

Softwares Required:

Python, Jupyter Notebook, CoreNLP ,Protege tool, WebVOWL application.


  1. Required required libraries like stanza and created the CoreNLP client.

  1. Created the 3 Abstract's with names Abastact-1, Abstarct-2 and Abstract-3 copied from online novels and read them and collected them in a list.


  1. Extracted the Triplets using coreNLP Library.


  1. Created the entity as person as below, similiarly created Things, Activities, Emotion as entities.

  1. Created the sub-entity as arrival under Activity entity and similarly have done for other entities.

a. List of Subject

b. List of Objects

c. List of Predicates


  1. Saved the .owl file from the above task and visualized the same in WEBVOWL ontology.


In this Lesson, I have understood how a traditional XML documents can be made to RDF format files. Understood the advantages of RDF over XML file, the purpose of XML file to express their classes and sub classes relationship and properties associated with them and enhanced searching capability of RDF schema.

Also Understood, How RDF Schema uses the RDF/XML design pattern to define classes and properties.

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