Intro To The Language - Gip-Gip/LASM GitHub Wiki

As stated before, LASM is not really for people who don't even know what an Operating System is. While it has the basic syntax of most assembly languages, and the instructions are actual English, you can't go far without having to re-invent the wheel a few times. However, if you're really angry at GCC, or you just have a lot of spare time, here is a quick rundown of the syntax (among other things).

LASM's syntax is really, really simple. In fact, this little example covers (nearly) the entire syntax:

; Comment! yay
$flag stuff

$if stuff
	add @number + 1
	if @number = 3
	subtract @number - 3
	jump loop
$integer 3


Markers are the lines that start with a $ and are only processed in memory; they do not directly produce instructions. There are single-line and multi-line markers. Single line markers can only use and affect a single line of data. Multi-line markers have to end with a $end marker, and are used mostly for seperating code based on other stuff.

Address Labels are lines that start with a : and represent places in memory, with text.

Instructions are the words without any special symbol at the start. All instructions follow a format similar to this:

instruction value (- other value)

Really the only instructions that don't follow this format are the logic instructions, which look like this:

logic @address < or = or > value or @address
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️