Test Plans - Giovanni-QU/SER225PlatformGame GitHub Wiki

Level Boundaries

Test Steps Expected Result Pass/Fail
1. At the beginning of the level, move left until the cat is no longer visible on the screen and then try to move back to the original position. The cat should disappear off the screen and reappear once moved back to the original position. Fail
2. Navigate to the end of the level, move right (and avoid the box) until the cat is no longer visible on the screen and then try to move back to the original position. The cat should disappear off the screen and reappear once moved back to the original position. Fail

Interactive Water Test

Test Steps Expected Result Pass/Fail
1. Move the cat into the water source. An oxygen timer should appear alerting the player as to how much time they have left in the water. Fail
2. Keep the cat in the water source until the oxygen timer runs out. The cat should run out of oxygen and die. Fail

Updated Pause Button

Test Steps Expected Result Pass/Fail
1. Open the game. The game will open and not be paused. Pass
2. Press the pause button. The game will not pause. Fail
3. Enter the game. The game will not pause upon entering the game. Pass
4. Press the pause button again. The game will pause. Pass

How to Play Section

Test Steps Expected Result Pass/Fail
1. Open the game. The game opens and has a how to play option. Fail
2. Press the how to play button. The how to play section opens with thorough explanation. Fail
3. A next button will appear to show the remainder of the instruction. This will show the next slide of the controls of the game. Fail
4. A back button will then appear, which when pressed will return to the how to play menu. This will return the player back to the main menu. Fail

Story Test

Test Steps Expected Result Pass/Fail
1. Run the game and start the story. The game starts and the introduction the story plays as a scrolling text across the screen. Fail
2. Play the game and talk to a character The character introduces themselves and adds to the story. Pass
3. Beat the level. More story is introduced to the player. Fail
4. Start a new level. The next level starts in a different scenery. Fail
5. Finish the game. The game ends and the story ends. Fail


Test Steps Expected Result Pass/Fail
1. Beat a level. Obtain a new powerup for the next level. Fail
2. Use the hairball powerup The player presses shift and the hairball shoots forward. Fail
3. Hairball hits an enemy. The hairball hits and enemy and the enemy dies. Fail

Character Attack

Test Steps Expected Result Pass/Fail
1. Jump on enemies' head Kills enemy and player takes no damage. Fail
2. Run into enemy from front Kills player since the attack is only effective from hitting the top of the player. Pass
3. Press attack button once hairball power-up is acquired. Spawns a hairball projectile. If the hair ball hits an enemy; the enemy is killed. Fail

More Interactive NPCs

Test Steps Expected Result Pass/Fail
1. As the player, press the interact button in front of an NPC When NPC is interacted with it speaks to the player Pass
2. Progress throughout the level and interact with different characters Each NPC you encounter should provide different dialogue that furthers the development of the story. Fail