OS X tips - GingerLi/Record GitHub Wiki

retina image to normal

convert 1.png -resize 50% 2.png

brew install may need proxy

export HTTPS_PROXY=http://<proxy name>:<port num>

inspect web page element in app

defaults write <bundle name> WebKitDeveloperExtras 1

show all files in Finder

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1

check images not in retina size

defaults write -g CGContextHighlight2xScaledImages YES

##change startup style

  1. open old style startup log for Mac sudo nvram boot-args="v" for verbose
  2. secure mode sudo nvram boot-args="x"
  3. list nvram -p
  4. reset nvram: press command+option+R+P when OS boot

umbrella framework locate:


What Is The Significance Of “+” And “@” In Mac OS X File Permission Tables

The “@” symbol This indicates that the file has additional attributes. You can see these additional attributes by typing the following command:

xattr -l <filename> What are these additional attributes used for? Well one example is this: Have you noticed how in Mac OS X 10.5 when you download a file from the Internet and then try to open it you will get an alert box warning that the file was downloaded from the Internet using Safari or whatever, and a prompt asking whether you would like to open it or not. After opening the file, you do not get a warning the next time the file is opened. Where is the flag for this behavior stored? In the additional attributes of the file. Try downloading a file from the Internet and then navigate to it via Terminal and type xattr -l . You will see the additional attributes of the file, which in this case are quite obviously used for file quarantine.

The “+” symbol This indicates the file has an ACL, short for Access Control List, which is used to give fine grained control over file permissions, beyond what is available with the regular unix permission tables.

Typing the following will show these additional permissions for files in a directory:

ls -le

##network networksetup -setwebproxy "Ethernet" ip port On username pwd

##make a DMG with background picture how to

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