Routing and Middleware - Gimanh/ZXC_PHP GitHub Wiki


ZXC_PHP support PSR-7 HTTP message implementation.
You can define application routes using config file all routes for ZXC_PHP must be defined in config file ZXC/Router/routes. Route item is associative array with two keys before and route.
Every route handler accept two required arguments ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, $params third arguments is optional and isset named parameters from URI.

Route handler must return ResponseInterface $response object.

public function hello(ServerRequest $request, Response $response)
    return $response;



ZXC/Router/routes - is array with application routes

'ZXC' => [
    'Router' => [
        'routes' => [
                'before' => ['auth'],
                'route' => 'POST|/fetch/all/products|Application\App:fetchProducts'

before { {string} array | callable } - this key allows you set you middleware for route. The execution order is as you specified in the array. route { string } - this key allows you set route params.
Route structure HTTP METHOD | ROUTE | {optional section} Class:methodName
route - has three sections with separator | first and second is required third is optional.
First section is HTTP METHOD second is URI PATH third is Class and method Class:methodName separated with : separator.


All middleware accepts three arguments

  • Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request
  • Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
  • Closure $next
class MiddlewareAuth
    public static function check(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, Closure $next)
        $auth = ModulesManager::getModule('auth');
        if ($auth->isLoggedIn($request)) {
            return $next($request, $response);
        return $response->withStatus(401);

Middleware for ZXC_PHP must described in config file ZXC/Router/middleware see example below.
Defined middleware you can use in route section before.

Allowed HTTP methods

ZXC_PHP will accepts only defined methods in config file ZXC/Router/methods


GET|/|Class:getIndex - for / path by the GET method ZXC_PHP will create instance of Class and call method methodName.
HTTP METHOD | ROUTE | {optional section} Class:methodName

With named parameters



'ZXC' => [
    'Router' => [
        'methods' => ['GET' => true, 'POST' => true, 'OPTIONS' => true],
        'preflight' => 'DomainRequest:cors',
        'middleware' => [
            'auth' => 'Application\Authentication:check',
            'authAdmin' => 'Application\Authentication:checkAdmin',
        'routes' => [
                'before' => ['auth'],
                'route' => 'POST|/fetch/all/products|Application\App:fetchProducts'
    'Modules' => [],
    'Autoload' => [
        '../../../server/' => true