Compiling - Gigawiz/procfw GitHub Wiki


This tutorial will guide you on how to setup a working development environment for compiling the PRO CFW source code on Ubuntu Linux (this guide has been tested on Ubuntu and lubuntu [18.04]). This guide assumes you have basic knowledge of how to operate the Linux operating system and how to use the bash terminal.

Setting up the PSPSDK

Due to problems with the PSPSDK subversion repository, this tutorial will explain an alternative and easier route on how to setup a minimalistic PSPSDK for compiling the PRO CFW.

Grab the Ubuntu .deb Package for your CPU-architecture from the MinPSPW Github Repository. Open a bash terminal and issue the following commands.

cd Downloads

sudo dpkg -i minpspw.deb


gedit .profile

Add the following lines to the bottom of the file, then save and close it.

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/pspsdk/bin

export PSPSDK=/opt/pspsdk

Run these commands in terminal:

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

sudo reboot

This will reboot your system, just log back into your user after it's done. Grab the latest PRO CFW sourcecode from the Github Repository. Open a bash terminal and cd into the PRO CFW sourcecode folder, then issue the following commands.

cd contrib/PrxEncrypter/


chmod +x PrxEncrypter

sudo mv PrxEncrypter /opt/pspsdk/bin/

gedit build.mak

Search for...


... and replace it with...


... then save the file and close it.

sudo cp build.mak /opt/pspsdk/psp/sdk/lib/

Congratulations. You now have a KIRK signature compatible PSPSDK set up and are ready to compile PRO CFW.

Compiling PRO CFW

Grab the latest PRO CFW sourcecode from the Github Repository. Open a bash terminal and cd into the PRO CFW sourcecode folder, then issue the following commands.

make clean

make clean_lib

make build_lib

Depending on the PRO version you wish to build this final command can be...

make CONFIG_620=1

make CONFIG_635=1

make CONFIG_639=1

make CONFIG_660=1

make CONFIG_661=1

Congratulations. After waiting for the compilation process to finish, you should now have a newly created "dist" folder in your PRO CFW sourcecode directory, which contains ready to distribute PRO CFW installation executables.

Note: If you are building the most recent commits then you should pass NIGHTLY=1 to make also well. It's good for bug-tracking.