Conceptual Design - Giddu-u/Project-Architecture GitHub Wiki

Phase 2: Conceptual Design (Contd.)

Students are being asked to design a simple device to crush aluminium cans. A student design team purposes four solutions to the problem. Below are the concepts developed.


  1. Handwriting machine

  2. Design making is programmed

  3. Machine works on programmed circuit


  1. Designing machine

  2. It is manually operated

  3. When user starts rotating the wheel, marker goes on to make patterns.


  1. Egg CNC machine

  2. It works on Electricity supply

  3. Object rotates, marker makes vertical designs.


  1. Digital Printing Machine

  2. Machine works on electricity supply

  3. Prints o the object is made using high temperature.

Below are identified and prioritised objectives:

  1. Safety
  2. Ease of use
  3. Portability
  4. Use of standard parts
  5. Cost

Assign weightage for the stared objectives:

Objectives Weightage
Safety 7
Easy to use 6
Portability 8
Use of standard parts 7
Cost 7

PUGH Chart:

Objectives Design idea 1 Design idea 2 Design idea 3 Design idea 4
Safety + + ++ Datum
Ease of use + _ + Datum
Portability + + + Datum
Use of standard parts _ _ ++ Datum
Cost _ ++ _ Datum
+score 28 29 42 ---
-score 7 13 7 ---
Total 21 16 35 ---

The best concept selected is Concept 3.

Subsystems list:

Object placement(Material alignment): Displaying on screen or by indicating with LED whether the object is alligned in proper position or not.

Making designs: This involves system and user interaction. System allows user to make choose of pattern and colours.

Refillment of sources(ink,marker,crayon): As the sources ends the machine will alerts the user and have the function of refilling that it by self.


Design Idea No. Objective Score Justification
1. Safety 9 The machine is programmed and it does not cause any harm to the user or object in any way
Ease of use 7 The machine is automatic and human interaction is not involved
Portability 9 The machine is made of wooden blocks which is comparatively light in weight making it portable
Use of standard parts 5 Except the circuit there is no any standard parts
cost 6 Few parts of the machine are expensive. For example circuit for programming
2. Safety 8 It is human operated and considerably safety to use
Ease of use 4 Since the machine is manually operated so the machine is user friendly
Portability 9 The material used is only cardboard thus the machine is light weight and portable
Use of standard parts 3 There is no any use of standard parts
Cost 9 Cardboard is easily available and making the machine cost efficient
3 Safety 9 The machine is automated and does not cause any harm to the object or the user in anyway.
Ease of use 7 Since the machine is automated, human intervention is minimum thereby making the machine easy to use.
Portability 9 The machine is light in weight and smaller in size, which makes it easy to be carried from one place to another.
Use of standard parts 8 There is use of standard and efficient electric components (motor).
Cost 6 Since the used parts are costly and are not easily available.
4 Safety 7 The machine is digital and pre programmed and requires no much human work.
Ease of use 6 Requires manual work to attach the template on the object and to adjust the object in the machine.
Portability 8 The machine is compact and easy to carry anywhere.
Use of standard parts 7 Use of heater which produces heat through electricity.
Cost 7 Since the machine is digital and uses electric heater, so the machine is expensive.