Slack channels - Gibbons-Lab/wiki GitHub Wiki

Gibbons Lab Slack channels

Hopefully, you have received an invite to the Gibbons Lab Slack when you joined. If you didn't let us know so we can invite you :pray:

When you start you will want to join at least general, journal-club, social, and wet-lab/dry-lab. random is for non lab-related things.

This document serves to describe the remaining channels and how to use them.


This channel is for project ideas. You are very much invited to put ideas here or just browse existing ideas. Open a thread on any idea if you would like to work on it. If your idea needs funding and data put those requirements here as well.


Put any interesting paper you find here. If you are at UW and the article is behind a paywall we :heart: it when you also open a thread on the post with the PDF. Feel free to discuss or comment on any paper here.


This is for wet-lab orders. Check if somebody requested the same thing before and if not open a message with what you need. To mark something as purchased react with the :dollar: emoji and to not something arrived react with the :truck: emoji to the message.


This is for organizing teaching or to provide resources useful for teaching.

... and the rest?

The rest are all project-specific channels. Check them out if you are interested.