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Rstudio on moneta

moneta runs an Rstudio server you can access with your normal web browser. For that either be connected in the internal ISB network or via VPN and use the URL You will be prompted for a username and password which will be the same ones you use to connect via SSH (the Linux ones). You can install any packages you need from within Rstudio.


I only see the ISB website when going to

Make sure you are connected via VPN. If you are, clear your browser cache, reopen your browser and use the URL again.

Errors on import regarding missing libaries (can't load *.so)

This may happen if the underlying operating of the server was updated. You can reinstall all currently installed R packages by runnning /proj/gibbons/software/ in the terminal. This may take a while and will not cover packages installed via Github or non-standard repositories.