New member setup - Gibbons-Lab/wiki GitHub Wiki

Welcome :tada:

Glad to have you! By now you have probably gone through the first administrative steps at the ISB and have received the following:

  1. your ISB E-mail address and username (the short form of your name used in the E-mail)
  2. your Linux password (it's in your welcome packet)
  3. access to the ISB VPN (we're happy to help on the Gibbons Lab Slack if that is not working yet for you)

With that, we can have you set up on our lab server which will give you some more computational kapow :fist_oncoming: than your laptop or PC.

Login to moneta

If you have managed to connect to ISB via VPN you have already managed the hardest part here. You will connect to the server using SSH. This is available on all major operating systems in the OS-specific terminal. Then log in to the lab server (it's name is moneta btw) using:

ssh [USER]@moneta

where [USER] is your short username from (1). It will ask you to accept the signature (yes) and for your Linux password (this is not necessarily the same as the VPN password).

That's it you are logged in :nerd_face: We will start by running the setup script on moneta.

Run the setup

After you logged in start by running the setup with:

python3 /proj/gibbons/software/

This will run for a little bit and will do the following:

  • setup your .bashrc and fix some common problem
  • setup Miniconda so you can install software using conda
  • configure Tmux

After that we recommend you disconnect from SSH (Ctrl+D) or type exit and log in again before you continue. You will know everything worked if your command prompt looks a bit fancier and start with (base).

Managing your session with tmux

Right now when you disconnect from moneta by exiting from SSH or disconnecting your VPN any program running in your session will be killed :skull: To keep sessions alive we use Tmux. You can start it on the server by typing tmux and Enter. This will look almost the same (except for some weird info on the bottom). You can get an idea what you can do with tmux by looking through the tutorial. Just note that the modifier key in our config is Ctrl + a and not Ctrl + b as is the default.

For instance, create a new window/tab by pressing Ctr + a followed by c. You see that there is a new tab on the bottom and you can change between them by clicking on them with your mouse. Switch to the new tab and type btm and you will get a nice overview over the current resource usage. Use ? for help while it is running or quit by using q.

This session will no survive any disconnect and when you log in to the server again you can use tmux a to re-attach to it and find everything as you left it. If you ever want to start with a clean slate use tmux kill-session.

Where to go from here :world_map:

Check out the "Computing" resources on the right :arrow_right: