Usage - GiantLuigi4/Minecraft_Effekseer_Implementation GitHub Wiki



repositories {
    maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    modImplementation 'curse.maven:mei-479584:3301016'


repositories {
    maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    implementation fg.deobf('curse.maven:mei-479584:3301016')



Client side, the usage is exactly the same on both loaders:

		Effek effek = Effeks.get("mc_effekseer_impl:example");
		if (effek != null) {
			EffekEmitter emitter = effek.getOrCreate("test:test");
			emitter.setPosition(0, 10, 0);

This would create an emitter of the example effect which comes packaged in the assets of Minecraft Effekseer Implementation at 0, 10, 0 in the world

Yep, it's that easy


On server however, it varies depending on mod loader, and you'll likely want a packet to tell the server to respawn the particles when the resource manager reloads via making a check for if the Effek is null, storing it to a field, then waiting until the Effek is no longer null, then sending a packet

Anyway, to send a Effek spawn packet, all you need to do is this:

				(player)->true, world,
				new ResourceLocation("mc_effekseer_impl:example"), 
				new ResourceLocation("test:test"),
				0, new Vector3d(0, 10, 0)

This will produce the same results as the client code above, but it'll spawned from a packet sent from the server instead of the client

For fabric users, call NetworkingFabric instead of Networking

If you want to move an existing effect, just rerun the code with the same emitter name and it'll move it

If you want to delete an emitter, call Effek$delete if it's an effect which only plays once, or Effek$markFree if it can be reused

Finally, if you want to delete an emitter from the server,

				new ResourceLocation("mc_effekseer_impl:example"),
				new ResourceLocation("test:test"), true

This is for forge, and currently there is a method in fabric which is not present in forge

				new Identifier("mc_effekseer_impl:example"),
				new Identifier("test:test"), true