Dynamic Inputs - GiantLuigi4/Minecraft_Effekseer_Implementation GitHub Wiki

For a lot of things, you will probably need more control over your effeks.

To do this, you need an Dynamic Input and an expression.

Dynamic Inputs

Here's a simple expression to rotate the effek based off dynamic inputs.

@O.x = @In0
@O.y = @In1
@O.z = @In2

Touhou "remilia_heart_bullet" example

Source effek Here's where you can find the above effek

In the effek above, Controller has its rotation set to "ParamaterType Fixed", and the "Ex." or "Expression" set to the Rotation expression

Adding the expression to the rotation

Mover just moves on a linear path at a speed of 1 on the z axis

		Effek effek = Effeks.get("test:bullet");
		if (effek != null) {
			EffekEmitter emitter = effek.getOrCreate("test:test");
			emitter.setDynamicInput(0, (float)Math.toRadians(Minecraft.getInstance().player.rotationPitch));
			emitter.setDynamicInput(1, (float)Math.toRadians(-Minecraft.getInstance().player.rotationYaw));
			emitter.setDynamicInput(2, 0);

Here's some sample code to make the effek rotate based off the direction the player's looking